Civil Celebrant

Vow Renewals

Rekindle your relationship with vow renewals


Couples reaffirm their vows for a variety of reasons: after surviving a long separation or an unsettling period or a momentous way to celebrate an important anniversary.

Often couples marry initially in a simple ceremony and then wish to include family members and lifelong friends at a latter celebration.

In some cases, couples married in an informal ceremony simply want to have a more formal ceremony later in life, when they can better afford it.

Reaffirming your vows can allow for your children to participate in the ceremony.

Naming Ceremonies

Create a special event to celebrate a given name


A Naming Ceremony can be an event in itself. This ceremony is used when the parents do not want a religious ritual, but would like to acknowledge and celebrate their child’s entry into the world. The parents may choose when to have the naming, and at what age they deem it suitable. There are usually godparents or guardians chosen for the child who can take part in the ceremony.

Naming and Godparent Certificates may also be issued.

A Naming Ceremony can also be part of a Wedding Ceremony, where the new partners as being part of the new family, acknowledge children from different partners. Of course this is discussed with the children before the ceremony and is done with the full agreement of all of the parties involved.

Sometimes a presentation 'Certificate of Family Unity' is given to the family and signed by all parties. This would obviously make the ceremony longer than a normal Wedding. Usually the Marriage is completed first, followed by the Naming Ceremony.

Care should be taken here that the child’s age is taken into consideration, as they may not be able to maintain focus for their ceremony for a lengthy amount of time.

Commitment Ceremonies

The traditional alternative to marriage for couples.


Couples who do not want or cannot have a legally binding relationship such as marriage can have a commitment ceremony demonstrating that they are still committed to each other and their relationship.

A commitment ceremony acknowledges this in front of family and friends and can be as meaningful and intentional as a marriage ceremony to celebrate your love and union your way and to reflect who you are.

When considering what to have in your ceremony, think about the values and beliefs you share as you enter this new phase of your relationship.


Celebrating a Loved One's Life and Achievements


The sadness of losing a family member or a friend is stressful on family and friends. Celebrating a person’s life and achievements in a personal funeral or memorial ceremony can be a fitting tribute to the one who has passed away.

It will also provide comfort to those who are bereaved by giving them a time and space to their grief and loss. Funerals often can be a comfort and help with the grieving process.

I am happy to come to your home and, with your knowledge of the deceased, write and conduct a ceremony that meets your needs and reflects the attributes of the one whom you have lost.

I will write the eulogy based on the information you give me at this meeting. However, I encourage family and friends to be included in the service by reading poems or tributes. I can help choose music and readings for the service and am open to accommodating special requests that honour the deceased.

Many families find comfort by including personal items belonging to the deceased on the coffin, or by the release of balloons, doves or butterflies.

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